Tree of Life Lutheran Church is a church for young and old alike. God’s Word is taught to children in Preschool through High School in Sunday School lessons and Bible classes. We also offer a children’s message each Sunday. Confirmation classes for children in upper elementary grades prepare them to promise to remain faithful to God and his Word. Teaching children about the love of God prepares them to be adults who love their Lord.
We love because he first loved us.
1 JOHN 4:19
Our focus on families reflects the love that God has for them. Tree of Life applies God’s Word to fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, sons and daughters. Instruction in God’s Word builds a faith in God that will benefit all the members of our families throughout their lives. An understanding of God’s Word and God’s will prepares each individual for the challenges of life and the opportunities to serve God that are given to them.
Tree of Life is also considered a family church because our common faith produces a bond among the members of our church. A genuine love that flows from hearts filled with the love of God makes us “brothers and sister” in faith. We share joys and sorrows, successes and failures and encourage one another with the precious truths that we have learned in God’s Word. A variety of social events and activities in addition to our Sunday worship times give us opportunities to spend time together and enjoy the company of fellow believers. As we grow together in faith, our bonds of Christian friendship bring us many blessings.
Check out our bible studies: Sundays (11:00 AM – 12:00 PM), Women’s and Men’s Bible Studies. Come grow with us!