What to Expect
What should I wear?
Come as you are. You are welcome to wear whatever is comfortable to you.
How do I find my way around?
When you arrive there should be parking up front. We’ve reserved a visitor space for you. Enter through our front glass door under the steeple. When greeted, tell us you are a visitor! That’s it!
Where should I sit?
Feel free to sit wherever you’d like, whether the front or the back. If you need assistance an usher will help you.
What About the Kids?
Kids of all ages are welcome at Tree of Life. We encourage children and their parents to grow in faith together as they hear God’s word and sing his praise. To keep little minds and hands occupied during worship there are children’s activity bags hanging by the nursery. We offer Children’s Church after Children’s message for those ages 3 to 2nd grade.
What is Tree of Life’s practice regarding the Lord’s Supper?
The Lord’s Supper is celebrated every Sunday of the month. We would ask that if you are not a member of our church or one of our sister congregations that you refrain from attending the Lord’s Supper until after you speak with Pastor. For more details regarding what we believe concerning this sacrament, please visit our page on communion practices.
What is meant by “liturgy” or “liturgical church”?
Being a “liturgical church” means that our worship is governed by a progression that focuses the worshipper on the Word of God and the Sacraments. Our service themes follow the Christian Church Year. The Christian Church Year begins with the Advent-Christmas season in December to focus us on the coming of Jesus; January-February mark the season of Epiphany in which Jesus is revealed as the Son of God; March and April include the seasons of Lent and Easter in which we focus on Christ’s passion and resurrection; May through November is the season of Pentecost highlighting the work of the Holy Spirit. The church year ends with the season of End Times, preparing us for Christ’s second coming.